Carolina Mountain Club administers a number of programs that challenge hikers to reach a collection of outdoor destinations:
1. South Beyond 6000 (SB6K) - Hike 40 selected southeastern 6,000 foot peaks
2. Lookout Tower Challenge (LTC) - Hike to 24 fire towers in WNC
3. Pisgah 400 (P400) - Hike all 400 miles of trails in the Pisgah Ranger District
4. Waterfall & Cascade 100 (WC100) - Hike to 100 of WNC's most spectacular waterfalls
5. A.T.-MST Challenge - Hike the 94 miles of the Aappaclahian Trail and the 150 miles of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail that CMC maintains
6. 100 Smokies Challenge - Hike the top 100 hikes in the Smokies
6. Youth Partner Challenge - Established to introduce young people under 18 to hiking and the outdoors.
7. Centennial Challenge - Hike 50 miles on CMC club hikes and peform 50 Hours of Trail Maintenance.
Take the challenge and start earning your patch! For addiitonal details refer to The Education/Outreach Tab.