The Pisgah 400 Challenge is to hike all of the official trails in the Pisgah Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest. The official trails are those numbered and named in the two lists on the National Geograpics map of the Pisgah Ranger District, map 780.
The trail network in the Pisgah Ranger District is complicated. Most aspirants buy two copies of the map; one for use on the trail, and the other to keep track of what they have already hiked.
To receive the award you must be a CMC member and have hiked all the official trails on the map edition which is current on your date of application.
Your application for the award must include a signed copy of the application form. This is the P400 Challenge Log.
Members may choose to receive their award at the CMC annual dinner and meeting or by mail.
You will receive a certificate of completion and one patch. Additional patches are $5 each.
You may use hikes done in the past to fulfill the Challenge.
As it is most likely that a given trail will be completed over several hikes, it is only necessary to include the date on which the trail was completed. If you do not remember the date, give an estimation.
The contact person for this award is Brenda Worley, at P400@CarolinaMountainClub.org
2003 |
Bindrum, Tom |
2019 |
Bellows, Jon |
Elias, Bernard |
Forsythe, Bob |
Tanquary, Jim |
Wallace, Stephanie |
Weemhoff, Dan |
2004 |
Edwards, Larry |
Fitzgerald, Jack |
2020 |
Haffner, John E |
Sanders, Tom |
Lauerhass, Lance |
Wetmore, Dave |
Martens, Christine |
2006 |
Modlin, Larry |
2021 |
Bingham, Rusty |
Ramsey, Tia |
Bush, Stephanie |
Tauber, Stuart |
Conduff,Terri |
Hale, Andrea |
2009 |
Covert, Steven |
Magura, Judy |
Johnson, Daniel |
Onan, Jan |
Sanders, Sallye |
2010 |
Haas, Bud |
Smith, Sharon |
Worley, Brenda |
2011 |
Rinehart, Jeff |
2022 |
Deming, Mikey |
2012 |
Cushman, Beth Ann |
Feathergill, Betsy |
Eliashevsky, Yuri |
Johnson, Wes |
Hauschild, Ed |
Plyler, Andrew |
Jager, Sawako |
Robbins, Zachary |
Park, John |
Ramer, Bill |
2023 |
DeJong, Marielle |
Tisdale, Charles |
Hanley, Joanna |
Hanley, Patrick M |
2013 |
Padgett, Gary |
Kassell, Henry |
Martin IV, Wilse Winn |
2015 |
Ransom, Beth |
Farmer, Doug |
Ransom, Garrett |
2024 |
Langford, Troy |
2017 |
Bowerman, Rich |
Humphries, Anita |
Koebelin, Chris |
Lee, Amy |
Perry, Jonathan |
O'Shea, Kevin |
2018 |
Benson, Paul |
Waggener, Ginny |
Waggener, Vance |