Trail Work Schedule

There are many options to do trail work for the CMC based on your geography, work, family situation, and skills/ability. CMC welcomes people of all ages (including families) and physical abilities to participate in trail maintenance.

In addition to regualar crews (see below) the following special trail work days will take place this year. Visit for more details.

2025 Dates

Saturday, April 26 - Quarterly Crew (Pisgah Project Day)
Saturday, June 7- Quarterly Crew (National Trails Day in Hot Springs)
Saturday, August 16- Quarterly Crew 
Saturday, September 27 - Quarterly Crew (National Public Lands Day at Max Patch)

The primary objective for Trail Work is to ensure our volunteers have a safe and enjoyable experience. We encourage our volunteers to work at their own pace and skill level. Our crew leaders and sawyers carry a safety kit and are certified by the Red Cross in First Aid, Blood Borne pathogens and CPR. All CMC Trail volunteers must adhere to our safety and the Carolina Mountain Clubs code of conduct standards. The club provides the tools, training and personal protection equipment as needed. You do not need any trail maintenance experience to volunteer on the maintenance crews. Training will be supplied by the crew leader. Wear old work clothes, long pants, long sleeve shirt, sturdy boots, work gloves, safety glasses, along with clothing appropriate for the weather. Bring a small day pack with your lunch and plenty of water.

There are trail maintenance crews that work on different days and/or work on different trails. The crews are listed below, along with contact information for the crew leaders. You are welcome to work with any of these crews, and several folks work with 2 or more of them on a regular basis. The normal procedure is for the crew leader to send out an e-mail message several days before the up-coming workday, explaining the job the crew will be working on, what tools to bring, and the meeting place and time. If you want to work with the crew that day, you let the crew leader know by responding to the email. Please be prompt and show up before the stated meeting time as crews frequently have a long drive and leave promptly at the time given. When you contact a crew leader about working with the crew, he/she will put you on the crew e-mail distribution so you receive these notices.

Section Maintainers adopt a portion of a trail and commit to maintaining 1-3 miles of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.), Mountain To Sea Trail (MST), or Secondary Trails. The advantage of being a Section Maintainers is that you work on your own schedule in coordination with the A.T. Supervisor, one of the five MST Supervisors, or the Secondary Trails Supervisors. Many hikers view being a Section Maintainer as a way of giving back and ask for the opportunity.

Most if not all of our Section Maintainers are CMC members. If you would like to become a Section Maintainer for a section of the A.T., MST, or one of the Secondary Trails, please contact the supervisor for the area you are interested in. Please feel free to contact any of the crew leaders or section supervisors with questions about working with them, simply drop the them an email. 

Work Crews:

Burnsville Monday Crew
Crew leader: John Whitehouse (
This is a small crew (6-8 people) that works out of Burnsville, NC. Work focuses mostly on the A.T., MST, Mount Mitchell State Park, and various trails in the Appalachian Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest.

Art Loeb Trail Monday Crew
Crew Leader: Dan Sanford (
This small (6-8 volunteers) crew works on the 30 mile long Art Loeb Trail in Pisgah National Forest.

Waynesville Wednesday Crew
Crew leader: Chris Werbylo ( 
The Waynesville Wednesday Crew is a small group (6-8 volunteers) that works out of Waynesville, NC. The crew maintains the MST above the city of Waynesville, the A.T., and various trails in the Pisgah and Nantahala ranger districts. 

Asheville Thursday Crew
Crew leaders: Ken Hummel (, David Pizzolato (, and Dale Gerhardt (
The Asheville Thursday Crew is a medium crew (8-15 volunteers) and works out of Asheville, NC. The crew works on the MST, A.T., as well as other trails in the Pisgah and Appalachian National Forests. This crew has a wide range of skill levels.

Asheville Friday Crew
Crew leaders: Paul Curtin ( and Chris Werbylo ( 
The Asheville Friday Crew is the largest of the weekday work crews (20+ volunteers) works out of Asheville, NC mostly on the A.T. and MST trails. They do all types of work, but primarily build trails. This crew has a very wide range of skill levels.

Pisgah Friday Crew
Crew leaders: Don Cooper ( and Robert Bolt (
This crew works out of the Brevard / Hendersonville, NC area on the trails in the Pisgah National Forest, MST, and A.T. They are a small crew (6 to 8 volunteers) and frequently break into two or more groups working different trail sections or jobs.

Quarterly Saturday Crew
Crew leaders: Les Love (, and Chris Werbylo (
This crew goes out on a quarterly basis performing interesting trail projects through out the Asheville, NC hiking area. The crew is ideal for volunteers with little to no work experience as beginners are paired with experienced maintainers. There are usually 30 to 50 people.

Free Rangers Crew
Crew leader: John Busse (
Comprised of a pool of experienced trail workers, this crew responds to smaller, but problematic, trail issues needing repair quickly. Primary emphasis is trail repair where a CMC hike is scheduled to occur. Typically a crew of 3-4 is used, can hike longer distances if needed, and repair trails within CMC's trail coverage (A.T., MST, Pisgah National Forest). CMC hike leaders are encouraged to report trail issues if found during their pre-hike scout to the crew leader.

Section Rovers
Crew leader: Jan Onan 
Work once a week on either Tuesday or Saturday focusing on sections that need support and training section maintainers (see below).

Wilderness Response Crew
Crew Leader: Paul Dickens ( 
The Wilderness Response crew responds to trail issues in the Middle Prong and Shining Rock Wilderness Areas. Due to being in the wilderness area this crew does not use power tools. Instead this crew relies on the use of crosscut saws and other non-powered tools.

Remote Overnight Crew 
Crew leaders: Paul Curtin ( 
This crew does two overnight work events a year. The Remote Overnight Crew will backpack in to a remote trail section and work Saturday and part of Sunday, spending the night near theworksite. Volunteers may elect to work both days, Saturday only, or Sunday only.

Appalachian Trail Section Maintainers
A.T. Section Maintainers Supervisor: Paul Curtin (

Mountains-to-Sea Trail Section Maintainers (South to North) 
Oconaluftee River to Old Bald Supervisor: Chris Werblyo (
Old Bald to Hwy 215 Supervisor: Robert Bolt (
Hwy 215 to Big Ridge Overlook Supervisor: (Available) 
Big Ridge Overlook to Blue Ridge Visitor Center Supervisor: Les Love (
Blue Ridge Visitor Center to Greybeard Overlook Supervisor: John Busse (
Greybeard Overlook to Black Mtn. Campground Supervisor: John Whitehouse (
Secondary Trails Maintainers Supervisor: Les Love (

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