CMC OM - Education and Community Outreach

Revised August 2022

The Chair will recruit new members as needed to serve on the Education and Outreach committee.

The Chair sets meeting dates, creates an agenda, and then facilitates each meeting.  The first meeting can be used to plan and set goals for the year.

Members of the Education Committee

  • plan workshops and events on a variety of topics related to hiking. Past events have included courses/workshops such as Map Navigation/Orienteering and Leadership preparedness. The committee also schedules topic hikes of member interest, i.e. tree identification and photography.
  • oversee the scheduling and leading of 8 YPC hikes per year.  Committee members present certificates and patches to earners either at the CMC annual dinner or at the youth’s school in front of their peers. (or on a hike with peers)
  • communicate with the CMC Leave No Trace coordinator to schedule training and events related to the ongoing goal of the club becoming a LNT organization.
  • develop or nurture relationships with partner organizations such as REI, Diamond Brand, YMCA, etc. to create events and promote hiking and stewardship. Work with schools in the area to promote our mission to younger participants.
  • continue work with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to offer opportunities for family hiking especially on National Public Lands Day in Sept.
  • work to establish an intern/ambassador connection at UNCA to continue work to promote outreach among young leaders.
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