Carolina Mountain Club was incorporated in 1923 and celebrated its 100-year anniversary in 2023. To celebrate, a new challenge was created to encourage crossover between our hikers and trail maintainers.
The Centennial Challenge requires participation in both club sponsored trail maintenance (measured in hours) and hikes (measured in miles). It is structured such that all club members can participate regardless of fitness level. Certificates will be issued if an individual hike 50 miles on club-led hikes and performs 50 hours of trail work, either as a section maintainer or part of one of our trail crews. Each event, either trail maintenance or hike, does not have a minimum requirement as long as the required totals are met.
The Centennial Challenge will be an ongoing, rolling 2-year challenge with hours and miles recorded over any 2-year span.
Trail Maintenance Hours Requirement
You must complete a minimum of 50 hours of trail maintenance and report the hours in the trail maintenance log on the CMC website.
Mileage hiked during trail maintenance cannot be used toward the hiking miles requirement discussed below.
All reportable trail maintenance hours can be applied toward the 50-hour minimum requirement of this challenge.
Hiking Mileage Requirement
You must hike a minimum of 50 miles on any official CMC related hikes. The hike could be a scout hike, Meetup hike, or official hike listed in Let’s Go. There is no minimum mileage requirement for each hike, but the total mileage for all hikes combined must be greater than 50 miles.
You cannot count the miles hiked during trail maintenance toward the 50-mile hike requirement. Also, personal hikes or casual hikes with other CMC member friends cannot be used toward the challenge.
This challenge is retroactive to January 1, 2022. Since many hikers do not keep a detailed hike log, use your best estimation of the date and miles hiked prior to June 2022, i.e., month and year, hike and estimated miles. Examples: March 2022, North Slope, 8 miles or Spring 2022, Shining Rock loop, 12 miles. It will count as long as it is a CMC hike.
Application Guidlines
The application log for recording the challenge achievements is located here. Please make sure both the hiking mileage and maintenance hours add up to 50 minimum each.
You may take photos of completion sheet, or scan it as a PDF, and email it to CentennialChallenge@carolinamountainclub.org
You can also mail a paper copy to:
Centennial Challenge
1239 Kanawa Lane
Arden, NC 28704
Please allow four weeks for processing.
Centennial Challenge Recognition
A newly design patch and certificate will be awarded to CMC members that complete the Centennial Challenge. Completers have the option to have the certificate awarded at the CMC Annual dinner or mailed to their home.
Email your questions or comments to:
1. Sallye Sanders |
2. Adrianne Chang |
3. Lynn Pettipaw |
4. Glen Kime |
5. Brenda Worley |
6. Jan Onan |
7. Bev MacDowell |
8. Bob Smith |
9. Les Love |
10. Paul Benson |
11. Henry Kassell |
12. Benson, Paul |
13. Magura, Judy |
14. Magura, Jim |
15. Morgan, Barbara |
16. Curtin, Paul |
17. Fluharty, Randy |
18. Love, Catherine |
19. Amodeo, Renee |
20. Weaver, Tom |
21. Wulfing, Paul |
22. Estes, Priscilla |
23. Snow, Bill |
24. Tan-Babcock,Cheow |
25. Desjardins, Tish |
26. Murphy, Brian |
27. Murphy, Susan |
28. Huff, David |
29. Scalese, Paul |