
Welcome to the Membership page!

Questions? Contact the Membership Chair

The Membership Committee solicits new members and helps them get involved.  It assists new and current members with greater participation in club activities, including giving back to the club by volunteering. It maintains the club's membership records and provides data for planning.

Want to help? We'd love to hear from you!


Membership Committee Objectives, Dec 2012


  • Encourages new members, supports existing members, and encourages renewals of membership
  • Keeps updated and available for club use all membership-related documents and related website pages
  • Participates in club publicity and promotional activities
  • Facilitates member involvement through timely communication, especially with new members
  • Coordinates volunteer interests
  • Maintains membership records and produces membership reports needed by the club
  • Works with the Council and coordinates with other Committees to enhance the benefits of  membership
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